Convergent Evolution of the CPU Market

CPU Market

Introduction  This article delves into the current landscape of CPU architectures, categorizing them into two main groups: Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) technologies, including ARM and RISC-V, and Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) technologies, most notably represented by x86 architectures. This distinction will help highlight their roles in the industry’s shift towards more efficient, powerful, […]

The AI Buzzword Trap: Why Branding Everything as AI Is Dangerous

AI Buzzword

In today’s tech landscape, it seems like everyone is making AI technologies. The term “Artificial Intelligence” has become a buzzword many companies are eager to apply to their products and services. However, using AI as a blanket term without substance can be not only misleading but also damaging to the industry’s credibility. In this blog […]

Say Goodbye to Compromises: High Performance Meets Low Power with SECO SOM-SMARC-Genio Modules

Struggling to balance high performance and energy efficiency in your embedded systems? Facing limitations with current processors unable to meet your application needs? Dealing with the complexities of integrating AI and cloud connectivity into your devices? Imagine the frustration of choosing between power-hungry processors that drain your device’s battery and low-power alternatives that just can’t […]