Unlocking the Future of Electric Mobility: Insights from Our EV Charging Webinar

What’s in store from attending this recorded webinar The rise in electric mobility is fueled by environmental awareness, battery technology advancements, and lower running costs, positioning EVs as central to smart city and sustainability goals. This growth necessitates quick action from charging station providers to leverage opportunities for efficient and profitable solutions in a developing […]

Re-discovering the frontier of Edge AI: deep dive into the future with TinyML

Edge AI_TinyML

In the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), determining whether to adopt edge or cloud computing for AI applications has become critical. Traditionally, cloud computing was the go-to for scalability and unlimited computing capacity, but with advancements in systems on chips and the emergence of new software frameworks such as Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML), a […]

Is the future of generative AI at the edge? Considerations on cloud to edge transition

Generative AI at the edge_StudioX

Generative AI holds transformative potential across various industries, yet its applications are somewhat constrained by the size and complexity of the models. That’s why generative AI today mainly runs in the cloud, benefiting from unparalleled computational, memory, and energy resources. As companies develop new applications and run them on complex networks, the cloud experiences increasing […]

Future-proofing manufacturing: frontier technologies for the industry of tomorrow

Future-proofing manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is experiencing a profound transformation in which using data to its fullest potential is central. Businesses can gather data from different sources using connected devices and sensors. Processing these large datasets with advanced data analytics tools, artificial intelligence and machine learning models, manufacturers can make informed decisions critical for optimizing production processes, […]

Why Generative AI for enterprises?

Generative AI with StudioX

Generative AI, or Gen AI, isn’t a nascent concept anymore, it’s a buzzworthy technology being rapidly adopted worldwide. Since OpenAI released version 3.5 of their popular NLP-based chatbot for public use in November 2022, the enthusiasm for Generative AI has expanded beyond consumer applications, gaining substantial traction in enterprise setting. According to a recent Gartner […]

Contactless convenience: the rise of sustainable ticketing

Sustainable parking ticket machine

In the era of climate consciousness, every industry is called upon to make eco-friendly choices, and parking management is no exception. In the pursuit of a CO2-neutral and sustainable approach, the shift from traditional to innovative solutions has become imperative. At the forefront of this transformation is the evolution of parking ticket machines, a critical […]

Maximizing manufacturing efficiency and productivity with MQTT

Manufacturing efficiency and productivity with MQTT

In a smart factory enabled by Industry 4.0 and IIoT, data collection on assets and operations and real-time analytics allow enterprises to attain unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity. The proliferation of devices and systems converging within the same network, however, requires prioritizing communication streams to ensure proper and efficient data flow. That’s what IoT […]

Expanding AI’s Capabilities Beyond the Cloud with Edge AI

Blog post_Expanding AI capabilities with Edge AI

What does Edge AI mean in the context of Industrial IoT Ecosystems? Within the evolving technological landscape, a notable transformation is underway, reshaping the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT. This shift is centered around the concept of Edge AI, which broadens the horizons of AI beyond the limitations of cloud computing. Edge AI […]

IoT platforms: a beginner’s guide

SECO Iot plaforms GUIDE

Enterprises in any industry are increasingly integrating a broad range of IoT endpoints to access and efficiently manage the physical assets relevant to their business. The benefits that IoT technology can bring are many: enhanced asset management, immediate knowledge of the state of play for accurate and timely decision making, new business opportunities and revenue […]

Getting Ready for EU Cybersecurity Resilience Act (CRA)

Getting Ready for EU Cybersecurity Resilience Act blog post

Last update: August 18, 2023   Introduction In today’s digital age, the rise of cybercrime poses a significant threat to both individuals and societies. The European Union has recognized the urgent need to address this issue and has proposed the Cyber Resilience Act, a regulation aimed at bolstering cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements. […]