IoT data orchestration: accelerating the digital transformation with data analysis

IoT Data Orchestration

Today, all companies collect a large quantity of data of various kind, relating to operational processes, business movements, market situation, or customers. Precisely because it comes from different sources and its nature can differ wildly, data is often stored in separate archives that have no contact points. But to make the most of it, it […]

AI and Digital Signage for Vending Machines

AI and Digital Signage for Vending Machines

In recent years AI-based equipment and IoT systems for Digital Signage and Vending Machines have evolved rapidly. We’ll soon interact with intelligent machines at work, at restaurants or while walking on the streets: intelligent machines are going to change the way we consume and experience the world.   The evolution of the machines and displays […]

With CLEA, machine learning algorithms are at the service of vending

With CLEA, machine learning algorithms are at the service of Vending

Machine learning algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and IoT devices: the recipe for innovating the vending industry is a concentrate of hi-tech, data analysis and customer experience.   It could not be otherwise for a market in which Italy is the European leader with over 3,000 companies currently in business, 30,000 workers and 820,000 machines installed [1]. In recent years, […]

OEM data-driven solutions: how data culture changes new generation devices

OEM data-driven solutions

Building a data culture is one of the most important keys to creating a data-driven organization. On the other hand, it is an established fact that truly data-driven organizations are growing faster than those that follow more “traditional” approaches. This is leading a large number of companies to make major investments in an effort to improve […]

Edge AI for healthcare: 4 privacy-proof applications

Edge AI for Healthcare

There are many benefits that ​​edge AI brings to Healthcare. In fact, its characteristics have a positive effect on the management and processing of data generated every day by hospitals, clinics and telemedicine devices directly at the sources or in their vicinity. This eliminates the need for a central repository and bandwidth and latency no longer […]

Smart device for production: 5 pieces of advice for choosing according to SECO

Smart device for production

Deciding which smart device is best suited to supporting connectivity between machines and systems means choosing between hardware and software solutions that offer ease of integration, maximum efficiency, flexibility, and above all safety.   The evolution of the productive environment into a smart factory requires management to successfully govern the convergence between the worlds of […]

Why are we still talking about Open Innovation? Isn’t it a given?

Why are we still talking about Open Innovation

Since 2003, the Open Innovation approach has been widely disseminated and analysed in the scientific and professional world of management, but its application is by no means a given. It requires partnerships that are not obvious and that offer unconventional and sometimes unthinkable knowledge, ideas, skills and information.   Today companies face a truly large […]