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Edge Software: Unpacking Its Role in IoT Technology Stacks

As IoT systems become ever-more complex, edge software is being called on to perform many new duties. This blog explores three critical aspects of IoT edge software:

  1. Data orchestration, i.e., managing data flows from a litany of sources
  2. Device management tasks such as software updates
  3. Security and compliance in distributed environments

Let’s look at how these elements work together to create robust IoT deployments.

The Role of Data Orchestration

Data orchestration is the process of collecting, organizing, and processing data from multiple sources into a seamless whole. This process involves several steps, including:

  • Data collection and transmission: Data from sensors and smart devices can be gathered continuously or intermittently depending on the source. Once collected, data must be transmitted to a central system (i.e., the cloud) using communication protocols like MQTT, CoAP, or HTTP over network technologies.
  • Data aggregation and filtering: At the central system or at edge nodes, data is aggregated from multiple sources and filtered to remove noise or irrelevant information.
  • Data integration: This involves combining the processed data with other business systems or applications. Data orchestration solutions coordinate this flow, ensuring that data reaches the right systems at the right time and in the right format.
  • Data storage: Processed data needs to be buffered and stored in a way that makes it accessible for real-time decision-making and later analysis. This may involve time-series databases, which are common in IoT applications, or more traditional storage solutions.
  • Data processing: The aggregated data is analyzed using techniques ranging from simple rule-based algorithms to complex machine-learning models. This processing can happen in the cloud, within on-premises servers that aggregate local edge device data, or directly on edge devices themselves.
  • Decision making: Finally, the insights gained from the data analysis are used to make decisions. These decisions might trigger actions automatically (like adjusting the settings on a smart thermostat) or inform human decision-makers in more complex scenarios (like predictive maintenance in industrial settings).

The open-source Astarte framework simplifies data management for IoT devices by automating the entire data orchestration process. This turnkey solution allows developers to rapidly design and build connected systems, and also interface existing devices running other IoT data orchestration software that use standard protocols.

Supporting Devices with Effective Device Management

What happens after you deploy your IoT system? IoT devices require ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance. This includes things like:

  • Installing remote and local firmware updates: Ongoing updates will need to be installed to enhance functionality and security post-deployment.
  • Deploying a system for continuous monitoring: Gaining full visibility into device performance is necessary to identify errors and issues that may impact an individual IoT device or the larger network.
  • Rolling back updates when needed: Sometimes an update may take a system offline. Having built-in version control and the ability to roll back an update for an entire fleet of devices can save significant time and the high costs of maintenance trips.
  • Implementing robust security management practices: Protecting sensitive data requires the right mix of encryption, access controls, and other security measures.
  • Tracking IoT device lifecycle: Knowing when to upgrade, decommission, or recycle IoT devices as they move through their useful lifecycles.

Having the right edge software can greatly simplify this long list of requirements. For example, Edgehog is an open-source device management platform that makes IoT device management seamless. With Edgehog, you can manage devices and deploy firmware updates using several features, including scheduling, batch management, secure rollbacks, and more.

Improve Security and Compliance

Like any digital system, security and compliance are priority in the IoT. However, distributed IoT environments come with a unique set of challenges. Key issues to consider include:

  • Encryption: Protects data by creating encryption keys that protect it from unauthorized access. End-to-end encryption is the most common form as it protects both data at rest and in transit.
  • Authentication: Works to identify edge devices and users before granting access to the network or resources by using digital certificates, public key infrastructure, or hardware-based authentication modules.
  • Access Control: Restricts access to resources based on the roles assigned to users or devices. Popular forms include Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control.

Astarte makes it easier to incorporate robust security features and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations by streamlining how data is collected, organized, and shared. Meanwhile, Edgehog provides peace of mind with industry-recognized encryption while simplifying fleet management with customizable update campaigns for each release.

The end result: better security through the construction of data pipelines and an easier way to update devices to further minimize risk.

Tying it Together: SECO’s Clea IoT Software Suite

With Clea, the complexities of IoT software are greatly simplified. Now organizations can focus on their core competencies and generating value for themselves and their customers.

Looking for the right edge software to power your IoT infrastructure? Contact us today to see how you can succeed with the Clea software suite.

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