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The modern infrastructure alternative to Google IoT Core: open, scalable, and future proof

As the Internet of things (IoT) continues its relentless growth with more and more businesses embarking on a digital transformation path, Google’s decision to shut down its Cloud IoT Core service next year makes headlines. Announced without much fanfare only few weeks ago, the move marks a clear paradigm shift towards leveraging third parties to provide a full-fledged IoT infrastructure to integrators or end-users. Google’s move puts back the focus on platform and infrastructure and is the preamble to a more open landscape in which companies and users will have more freedom to implement a tailor-made IoT solution that fits their needs.


What’s next, then? It is indeed time for companies to rethink their strategy when it comes to managed services. The last years changed the Cloud landscape dramatically, with disruptive trends such as container orchestration and serverless taking over. Cloud providers are adapting as developers are switching paradigms and come up with new requests, and companies must keep up the pace.


So, what’s next for those companies who want to evolve or build their IoT business? We believe there are several important things to consider for your IoT solution to be not only future-proof, but also on the edge of new technologies and opportunities.


1. Built on Open foundations

Cloud vendor lock-ins are a thing of the past. Systems such as Kubernetes enable everyone to create production-quality managed services while not relying on any vendor specific framework. Your next IoT infrastructure should leverage all necessary technology to give your users the reliable and performant service they expect, while not constraining future development.


2. Scalable in performance and cost
Have you ever been on the IoT bandwagon before? You might have experienced two different types of disappointment: trying out a great platform that didn’t go much further when out of demo mode, or having a great platform which drained your wallet once your fleet started getting serious. When making your next choice, you should be aware of how everything scales when your business scales where you want it to be. Technology, deployment strategies, and design of your next solution of choice will have a massive impact on the success of your product.


3. Under your control, all the time

When talking about software and IT, “control” is one of the hottest, and most controversial, topics. Open Source is not enough for retaining control: having the right partner and skillset at your disposal for development and deployment support is a must have for going to production. Before just opening the manual and downloading from Github your next critical piece of IoT infrastructure, make sure it is commercially supported and your operations have all the guarantees they require. This gives you the best of all worlds, and still performs better cost-wise than proprietary solutions.



Why choose CLEA as your next IoT platform

SECO’s CLEA was designed from the ground up to satisfy the needs of IoT infrastructure of today and the future. Not only it does give you complete control, but it is also packed with features that go way beyond your typical IoT platform or broker as a service. CLEA has a fully Open-Source core and is entirely built on Kubernetes, making it not only cloud agnostic but also deployable in non-cloud scenarios. It is battle tested with hundreds of production deployments, and it's built to scale to handle big fleets, huge data flows, and a multitude of users. And when you’re ready to go big with artificial intelligence (AI), CLEA has everything you need to get your data to work.





A seamless replacement for your current infrastructure

You might be affected by the deprecation of Google IoT Core service, or you might just be scoping the future of your IoT deployments. SECO offers you a proven low effort, quick and fully supported migration process. We provide you with a set of tools that simplify the transition to CLEA and allow you to migrate all your existing IoT devices while retaining backwards compatibility. Plus, we guarantee that after migrating your applications and IoT endpoints to CLEA you can continue using the Google Cloud Platform services - the most smooth and effortless transition possible.





Are you looking for an easy and effective way to implement an open infrastructure for IoT? CLEA is the right way to take back control of your products and move ahead in your IoT strategy. Contact SECO today to learn more.

Tag: IoT